Ghostface Killah: al disco del Wu-Tang Clan ci penso io
Ghostface Killah si sbilancia sulla possibile reunion del Wu-Tang Clan e rilascia dichiarazioni forti in un’intervista per XXL Magazine, affermando di volersi assumere le responsabilità del progetto. Ghostdeini ha parlato della possibilità dell’album finale del Wu-Tang Clan e ha spiegato come si fosse sentito insoddisfatto dopo aver ascoltato l’ultimo lavoro del gruppo, 8 Diagrams ben sapendo come le potenzialità musicali e artistiche del Clan superino di gran lunga la qualità di quel disco.
“8 Diagrams, I couldn’t stand it ‘cause I know us, and then I know my man [RZA] even more,” ha detto. “I’m like, ‘Yo, how could you give our fucking people that?’ Now you had people that said, ‘Oh no, I liked it.’ That might be the ‘yes men’ niggas. You know what I mean? Or it’s a miss or something ‘cause I know how we can be. These motherfuckers wanted the skits. They wanted to feel like they at home with us. They wanna feel like, ‘Y’all didn’t hear this in a long time. What y’all got now?’”
Ghost ha detto poi che il Wu-Tang Clan dovrebbe tornare ad un più classico sampling, per regalare di nuovo ai fan il miglior suono possibile, qualcosa che secondo lui RZA non sarebbe riuscito a fare nell’ultimo LP. Pur mostrando grande rispetto e amore nei confronti del collega e partner, Ghostface ritiene che RZA dovrebbe ripiegare in seconda linea e non mantenere un ruolo principale nella creazione del disco, in modo da garantire all’album la qualità richiesta dalle aspettative.
“I saw him give other niggas fly samples from Nas to Busta Rhymes. Busta Rhymes sent me some shit, I said, ‘Yo, where you get this from? I went to RZA. I told him I wanted this box right here. He gave us some fly shit’…pay for the sample RZA. Pay for the sample. So what they gonna take this and things, but the people want that from us right now. Pay for the fucking sample. RZA’s my brotha for life. That’s my brother-in-law. I got babies by his fucking sister. But what I’m hearing, I’m not saying I’m the best, but I’m consistent about my shit. So what you gon’ roll with? The nigga that’s being consistent or – even though he taught me a lot of shit but it’s like is your shit still – the way y’all been making these cakes for the past 30 years. Entenmann’s. Are y’all still making those kind of cakes? Or Little Debbie’s is coming up blowin’. C’mon man, that’s not that crumb cake, nigga.”
Infine ha aggiunto: “Let me make a Wu-Tang album. Let me make one Wu-Tang album. Let me make one.”
Insomma, Ghostface sembra davvero deciso a riportare in auge uno dei gruppi storici del panorama Hip Hop internazionale.